Tonight, CNN honored Dr. Trey Wilson as a "CNN Hero". To view the segment that was broadcasted and to view additional material available only on the CNN website, go to http://edition.cnn.com/video/player/player.html?url=/video/specials/2007/05/29/heroes.trey.wilson.cnn
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Congratulations on all your wonderful work!
People like you guys not only give hope to those you help but also to people like me that are so proud of your work.
Are you looking for volunteers? I would love to join your team and help.Feel free to contact me at mallilingm@yahoo.com or 786-346-2123.
Malliling Covington.
Dr. Wilson,
I just returned from Kenya last Saturday. It was a life changing experience and I can't wait to get back. I'm attaching the website I created upon my return so that others can see how great the need is for all types of assistance. http://ksgirl47.spaces.live.com/
I was so impressed and touched by your segment on CNN, that I felt compelled to write you. Imagine my surprise when I turned on the TV and saw your story on the exact same day that I was to return to work. I felt it was a sign that only reinforced where I need to be spending my time and talent. I'm an educator and currently work for the AZ Dept of Ed. in improving schools throughout the state. But my 10 days in Kenya have shown me that I need to be someplace where the need is so much greater and appreciated. I'm so glad to see the work that you're doing and hope that others will be compelled to do something. You are a hero to the people of Kenya and an amazing American. Keep doing what you're doing and maybe one day our paths will cross.
I would love to Volunteer with you Dr. Wilson , to Africa .. If possible .. please send me the details on how to join ur team and volunteer .. my email is dghadawala@gmail.com
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